Monday, January 28, 2013

A new year = a new me. diet blog week:1

 So I found a 3 day diet or "the military diet" on pinterest and decided to try it this past week and I'm sad to say that I didn't make it past day one without cheating. I completely suck at diets. I didn't cheat that bad though, I ate something that was allowed on the diet, just a little more of it. So after the first 2 days I decided that I wasn't going to stick to that diet, but I was going to take things from it and also other diets that I've heard of. I found a detox drink on pinterest (lemon-lime water) and I've been drinking it all week. I cut out processed foods as much as I can, eat fresh veggies vs canned and I'm eating more protein and less high-carbs. I stopped drinking cokes, limit my salt and sugar and when I drink sweet tea, I drink it 3/4 water 1/4 tea. So far I haven't lost any weight just by eating healthier, I didn't really expect to but I was hoping that maybe just a pound or two. I don't have the finances to go to the gym right now and with a toddler at home it's hard to find time in between cleaning and watching him. It's to cold to go walking right now, so eating right is my only option right now. My goal is to just maintain my current weight until it gets warm so I can put Eli in the stroller and walk around the neighborhood.

  I've been doing this long enough to realize that losing weight isn't going to happen over night. It takes your mind, body and your soul to accomplish it. If you're not in the right mind set, you're not going to lose the weight. If your heart isn't in it and you're not fully dedicated to make a lifestyle change, it's just not going to happen. I've decided that I'm going to make some very small realistic reachable goals for myself for this year. #1 Being that I'm making that lifestyle change. No more processed foods, no more fried, greasy food and my biggest challenge of all, NO MORE COKES! I've drank them all my life and I'm dependent on caffeine. And #2 Just like you should do with any other journey you start in your life, this one will begin with the LORD as my Sheppard. I'm trusting HIM to guide me, to push me, to have patience with me, to protect me and to keep me on track. My goal is to glorify HIM in everything that I do and one of those is to take care of this body HE has so graciously given me. Goal #3 No matter how many pounds I lose, I have to remember that it doesn't matter what others think, as long as I'm happy in my body and love myself then that's all that should matter.

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