Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week 25: A spiritual make-over

I know I've mentioned this a few times already in previous posts, but when I started this lifestyle change it wasn't just an external fitness change. I made the decision and go by the motto "mind, body and soul". I pray before my workouts and when I'm having trouble getting through a routine, I crank up the Christian contemporary music as motivation. I made a promise to myself that I would change everything. I am not the person I was 10 years ago, 5 years ago, or even last year. While I've been growing up (as a Christian) I've noticed a huge change in me. While I still do get mad sometimes, my temper isn't as bad as it once was and I feel like I'm more understanding and will look at all sides of an argument and try to figure out a solution as opposed to pouting because I didn't get my way. I just realized that until now, I've only been keeping up with my physical external weight loss and not the positive things happening to me spiritually. While writing this the song "While I'm waiting" comes to my mind. It talks about being patient and faithful to GOD while you're waiting on HIM to change you/your life. And how it's never easy but with HIS strength we can overcome any obstacle or tragedy that life may throw at us. Today I am thankful for a loving GOD who I know I can put my trust in, for HIS love which never changes (for anyone), but most importantly I am thankful for HIS sacrifice. HIS willingness to be faithful to HIS FATHER and to fulfill HIS will so I can live eternally with HIM. I am so ashamed that I let my selfish pride get in the way of my relationship with JESUS. So many things in my life could have been different had I just been faithful to HIM. I am forgiven and I am thankful.

I am so glad that I'm seeing results in the mirror, but more importantly, I'm so thankful GOD is showing me the changes HE has made within me.

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