June 30th 2012
Last night I felt like GOD wanted me to share something with everyone. Every once in a while a topic will just pop into my head and I'll have this unexplainable urge to blog about it. Well, not last night, the urge was there, but no topic. I prayed for GOD to clear my mind and open my eyes so I could see what HE wanted me to share. I went to sleep and didn't think about it at all today until now.
When I write my blogs,I write it the way GOD tells me to. HE doesn't tell me every word, but I definitely feel HIS guidance. I don't know why GOD chose me, I don't know why I'm able to hear HIM speak to me (subconsciously) and I don't know why HE doesn't do this for everyone. I feel extremely blessed and so undeserving at the same time. Even as I'm blogging right now, I'm asking GOD for a clear mind so that I may do HIS will. I have no idea where HE is going to guide me tonight, but I'm sure it will serve a purpose.
The devil is so desperate that he will do anything he can to keep us from GOD. It infuriates him to no end when we glorify GOD. He's left clinging onto anything he can to keep his grip on us hoping that we'll fall back and follow him instead, but the power of GOD defeats him every time. I'm beginning to feel challenged right now, but whatever GOD has for me to share will come through because it is HIS will!!! I'm in my quiet place, with no distractions, I have a clear mind and I have my soul food (music, to glorify HIM!!)
"How can I say thanks for the things you have done for me
Things so undeserved Yet you give to prove your love for me
The voices of a million angels Cannot express my gratitude
All that I am or ever hope to be I owe it all to Thee"
Psalm 46:10
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Romans 2:6
God "will give to each person according to what he has done."
Ephesians 2:9
Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.
July 3,2012
I feel like GOD wants me to get a little personal tonight. This blog isn't going where I thought it would go.lol Any time I talk about myself, I always wonder if anyone ever reads it. I've never been told this but I just get the feeling people think "so what". I guess it's from me never being "accepted". Whether you have any interest in my life or not, I hope YOU, (whoever YOU are) gets something out of this blog.
Being "accepted" is something I always wanted as a kid. The older I got, it seemed like the less anyone wanted anything to do with me. I was convinced that I was just not likeable by anyone. Kindergarten- 5th grade years were great. I had lots of friends, got invited to birthday parties and sleep-overs then middle school happened. I realize it's a transition phase for everyone. You're starting to go through pubirty, noticing boys, and in today's world pretty much anything goes. I have no idea what I did to deserve the way I was treated in 6th grade. My best friend since 1st grade went to another school and refused to talk to me anymore and a nasty rumor was started about me. Rumors spread like wildfire when your 11/12. Needless to say everyone believed the rumor even when they asked me if it was true and I said "NO!!" They still didn't believe me. I didn't let that stop me though. I still went to school dances, even though I was told in not so nice termes to "go away." I was labled, humiliated, and scared for life. Those girls will never have any idea how much it hurt me. My so called "friends" bad mouthing me and judging me when they didn't really know me and no one ever really took the time to try. Fast forward to 7th grade. I was sitting in homeroom and they announced over the intercom that if you wanted to try out for basketball to go to the cafeteria before 1st period, so I did. I signed up, went to the doctor for a sports physical and passed. I tried out and made the team! I was so happy!! I didn't think I was going to make it so it really surprised me. After I joined the team, those same "friends" started to come back around. I knew better than to trust them, but I atleast I had someone to sit with at lunch instead of by myself. Things got better and I guess they all forgot about the rumors and teasing, but I didn't. It's always been in the back of my mind. 8th grade was pretty much the same way, I played varsity ball that year but I had to quit because of knee and ankle injuries. 8th grade was the year I met my bff. GOD knew I needed someone special in my life and I thank HIM so much for her. We met at church in 1998 and have so many great memories. Growing up in the youth group at church was fun. Her parents tought our sunday school class, we had parties at their house, every youth activity we had, we did it together. Summer camp on the other hand, wasn't as much fun. At age 12/13, Rachel + Laura for a week together= disaster! I can't tell you how many verbal arguments we got into over crazy stuff too. But I love her so much. She's more than a bff, she's my sister and I don't know where I'd be without her. High school was rough, but the weekends were fun because I was either busy doing something with J.R.O.T.C (Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps) or Laura and I were out late at the skating rink (parent-free) we thought we were something else because our parents would just drop us off. For once, I felt accpeted. She accepted me for who I was, she didn't tease me or laugh at me, Laura was/is a TRUE friend. I still looked for acceptance at school, but I didn't get it. I was a loner, at the time I thought it was by choice, but looking back, I was just shy and not out-going at all. The thing I didn't realize was that I was accepted, not by my peers, but by GOD! Even though I was going to church, I did't realize that I wasn't relying on HIM like I should have been. Now that I'm older and looking back at all of this, wishing I would have done things differently, I think it's made me a better person having to go through what I did. I never teased anyone because I knew exactly what it felt like.