Thursday, June 27, 2013

Being faithful

Where do you draw the line between being open, but not too open, sharing your testimony, but not revealing your entire life (like anyone has time to read your life story). I believe that if someone is going to learn from my mistakes, I need to share even the most embarrassing details, but my WHOLE life isn't everyones business, my life isn't an open book. So I have no idea where to draw the line.

This week has been challenging, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It's so easy to throw in the towel when things get tough. It's easier to say "I'm done" than to fix the problem. The truth is, by avoiding the problem, you're creating a new one by covering up the other. I was reminded that when you have faith in GOD, anything is possible. You never leave your partner when you're in a fire together, you work together as a team to overcome the demons in your past and in the present that you're facing. Even when things look completely hopeless, GOD can still perform miracles. This has been my temptation this week. I've been fighting my biggest demon, myself. God has done some amazing things in me but I know I'm far from where HE wants me to be. Changing isn't easy, but when you let the LORD change you, the most challenging part is having patience while you wait. There is a point where you have to die to yourself and only live for the LORD.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

If Barbie was a real woman

If Barbie was an actual woman, she would be 5'9’’ tall, have a 39’’ bust, an 18’’ waist, 33’’ hips and a size 3 shoe. 
 Barbie calls this a “full figure” and likes her weight to be 110 lbs.
·         At 5'9’’ tall and weighing 110 lbs, Barbie would have a BMI of 16.24 and fit the weight criteria for anorexia. She likely would not menstruate.
·         If Barbie was a real woman, she'd have to walk on all fours due to her proportions.
·         Slumber party Barbie was introduced in 1965 and came with a bathroom scale permanently set at 110 lbs with a book entitled “How to Lose Weight” with directions inside stating simply “Don’t eat.”

I found this on another blog and I had to share. It made me think how many girls compare themselves not just to Barbie, but to their peers. They don't yet understand that everyone is created differently and it's our job as parents to teach our daughter & our sons that their bodies are beautiful no matter the shape or size. It is also our job to teach them to be healthy, to teach them good eating habits and to encourage them to do physical activities to stay fit. That also includes being a role model for them, to practice what you preach. If they see you doing it (especially at a young age) they'll want to do what mommy and daddy are doing too. Same goes if you just sit around and watch t.v. or you're on the computer all day. At the end of the day we all want our kids to be happy and healthy. I challenge everyone to look in the mirror and reevaluate what you're showing your kids (or other kids), are you being a good example? Are you showing them things in a positive or a negative way? I do this daily and it helps alot with my growth as a Christian, a wife and a mom. And I'm always looking for ways to better myself and my kids.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week 25: A spiritual make-over

I know I've mentioned this a few times already in previous posts, but when I started this lifestyle change it wasn't just an external fitness change. I made the decision and go by the motto "mind, body and soul". I pray before my workouts and when I'm having trouble getting through a routine, I crank up the Christian contemporary music as motivation. I made a promise to myself that I would change everything. I am not the person I was 10 years ago, 5 years ago, or even last year. While I've been growing up (as a Christian) I've noticed a huge change in me. While I still do get mad sometimes, my temper isn't as bad as it once was and I feel like I'm more understanding and will look at all sides of an argument and try to figure out a solution as opposed to pouting because I didn't get my way. I just realized that until now, I've only been keeping up with my physical external weight loss and not the positive things happening to me spiritually. While writing this the song "While I'm waiting" comes to my mind. It talks about being patient and faithful to GOD while you're waiting on HIM to change you/your life. And how it's never easy but with HIS strength we can overcome any obstacle or tragedy that life may throw at us. Today I am thankful for a loving GOD who I know I can put my trust in, for HIS love which never changes (for anyone), but most importantly I am thankful for HIS sacrifice. HIS willingness to be faithful to HIS FATHER and to fulfill HIS will so I can live eternally with HIM. I am so ashamed that I let my selfish pride get in the way of my relationship with JESUS. So many things in my life could have been different had I just been faithful to HIM. I am forgiven and I am thankful.

I am so glad that I'm seeing results in the mirror, but more importantly, I'm so thankful GOD is showing me the changes HE has made within me.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Weekly diet blog:week 25

Nothing has really changed this week. My weight is fluctuating back and forth which is normal but I'm down 2 pounds.  I started looking up zumba routines on youtube and I have to say that it is some great cardio. If you're looking for something fun, that doesn't seem like exercise or something you really have to work at zumba is for you! Of course like any other dance, the hard part is learning the routine and doing it by yourself isn't as fun as if it were with a group but it doesn't really bother me. After stretching for 10 minutes and 2 zumba routines,  my warm up is complete and I start on my abs. My daughter noticed a change this week which made me happy. We went to the lake to swim (and yes I wore a bikini, I hate 1 pieces) she said WOW momma, you really are losing weight! I'm so glad that I can look in the mirror and see a difference. It gives me temporary satisfaction and the motivation I need to continue on my journey. I was too lazy to workout downstairs the other night, so I just rolled out the yoga mat on the living room floor. When I was done, my 2 year old toddler was doing a plank. lol Next week it's back to tuna and peanut butter and more advanced abs.

Monday, June 10, 2013

weekly diet blog: week 24

So it's been 6 months since I started my lifestyle change. 
The pic on the top is from January and the one on the bottom was taken last week. I know it's kind of hard to see but that's the best pic I have from January.

I've changed my routine up since my last post. I'm still eating clean, but I've changed my portion size again and I'm doing a more aggressive workout to help get me out of the plateau that I'm in. I've lost 2 more lbs and 1 1/2'' off my waist. So that's a total of 27 lbs lost. I'm so glad I'm doing this on my own. No gym, no supplements, no diet pills, just guidance from the LORD, clean eating, exercise, motivation from my husband and self-discipline. I don't remember if I've posted about this yet or not, But when I decided to start this lifestyle change I prayed, I prayed hard. And every time I exercise, I pray while I stretch for GOD to guide me through the workout so I can accomplish and do HIS will. I need to take care of this body HE has given me and I give HIM all the praise with everything I have accomplished. When I'm working out and I feel like I can't give anymore, I just remind myself of the cross. If HE could do that for me, then I will do this for HIM!!